
Valentine’s Day has come and gone but one thing that remains forever, are the memories. Yesterday was filled with so much love, laughter and there were a lot of gifts going around and we hope that you also felt it all. This special day only happens once a year and it is a day that is usually marked with couples going all the way to put a smile on their faces, evening dates at restaurants, cinemas, etc or even at home. It is also a time when people also show love to strangers by giving them gifts, money, food, etc.

Breakfast may sound familiar to a lot of people, especially Nigerians but no! We are not talking about the heartbreak stories, and we are not petty but we just hope it wasn’t the other way around for you. Social media was buzzing with many Breakfast trays going out to various locations with cute notes included in each of them and of course, we can all agree that Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This is quite thoughtful of the people who actually went all out to make sure someone got their tray just waiting for them outside their doors. Some even made it extra special by making sure the breakfast tray was accompanied by trumpeters to disturb the neighborhood in the right manner (We see you all!). For those who did not think it was worth the stress, they actually did it themselves- funny comments like “Why should I order a breakfast tray of 30k when I can simply put all these together in a few mins?” Well…everyone did what worked for them.

There were a lot of restaurant reservations made on the Dinesurf platform and some people went for the best time convenient for them. Most chose the lunch period time, just maybe they had other plans for the evening, well we won’t know that. This was a perfect time for most couples who didn’t want the noise of too many guests in a restaurant to affect their time together and would prefer to enjoy this quiet time alone. Having lunch with your significant other on a day like that is actually a great option because your meal would actually arrive on time since most guests haven’t started coming in and you would be attended to swiftly without so much rush and mixed-up orders. We just hope that wherever you had lunch, it was still cozy and romantic? even if it happened at your home.

Dinner!! Restaurants were really ready for all the lovebirds in various cities. From Valentine packages already set out, down to the food menu, ambience, music etc. Even if you were not feeling all the love during the day, the nighttime was definitely going to compensate for all that. The men in their beautiful tuxedos looked all handsome to the ladies in gowns looking stunning and just beautiful, it was definitely a night for some couples to remember. A lot of proposals also wrapped up the night as some couples thought it was the perfect time to profess their love and also seal this love with their partners once and for all. Dinner was great for most people and you should not feel bad if you did not step out of your comfort zone there’s still a next time.

So, we hope that you enjoyed reading this article and we also hope you went to bed smiling yesterday. How was Valentine’s day for you? Did you dine out, or try a new dish? Were you served “Breakfast”, Lunch, or Dinner? or none of the above? Let us know in the comment section. We love to hear from you.