Dine fatigue

Dine fatigue is a thing and we’ve all been there – feeling so exhausted after eating that we can’t move. You may be wondering what you’re doing wrong, but the truth is, you may just be experiencing dine fatigue. Don’t worry though, there are some things you can do to get past this tired feeling and enjoy your food again. Read on to find out more!

What is Dine Fatigue?

Well, it’s basically when you’re so tired after eating that you can’t function properly. It can be caused by a number of things, including overeating, not getting enough sleep, or even food allergies. Basically, anything that disrupts your body’s normal functions can lead to dine fatigue.

Steps to take when you feel dine fatigue

1. Identify the cause of your fatigue.  When the body becomes fatigued, it’s often due to one of two reasons. First, you may just be in a bad mood in general and find yourself feeling tired all over. Second, you may have eaten too much that day or had an enormous meal with little to no exercise. If this is the case, then it’s time for some serious eating changes. You just need to identify what may have caused you to be tired.

2. Practice good sleep hygiene. A lot of the time, fatigue is simply because you’re not well rested or are having trouble sleeping. Make sure that your bedroom is dark, quiet, and conducive to sleep. Turn off all screens at least an hour before bedtime to ensure a healthy amount of melatonin is produced during sleep.

3. Balance your meals.  It’s easy to fall into the bad habit of having huge meals during lunch and dinner times. When this happens, you may feel too tired to exercise or do anything after eating. This is because your large meal requires most of your body’s energy just to digest it! To combat that, make sure you’re eating lighter meals at breakfast or lunchtime. This way, you can save your energy for the day and eat more during dinner when it counts.

4. Drink water regularly.  It’s easy to mistake your body’s thirst for hunger when you’re feeling fatigued. To combat this, drink water regularly throughout the day so that you don’t feel hungry when in fact, you may just need hydration.

5. Eat foods with higher nutrient density. When you eat foods with high nutrient density, it means they have more vitamins and minerals for the number of calories they have. These are foods that are mostly whole, just not processed. Foods that tend to have high nutrient density include vegetables, fruits, eggs, fish, and lean meats (see more here).

6. Exercise.  A little workout may do you some good! When it comes to feeling fatigued, exercise is actually a great way to combat the problem. It doesn’t have to be intense or last long – just go for a brisk walk, take an aerobics class, or even choreograph your own dance routine.

7. Limit caffeine and alcohol intake. If you’re having a lot of caffeine or alcohol, then this dine fatigue may be partly due to these stimulants. It’s the same reason why some people feel tired after partying all night – it wears down their body! If you’re having a cocktail at lunch or during the afternoon, consider skipping alcohol use during the day. 

8. Incorporate probiotics into your diet. If gut health is important to you, then consider adding more probiotics into your diet. These are the good bacteria that help improve your digestive system and boost immunity!

It’s not just you; everyone feels the urge to take a break from food every now and then. And, as it turns out, there’s a good reason for it. Our brains need time to rest and recharge so that we can continue functioning at our best. So don’t worry if you feel like taking a break from eating – your brain will thank you for it. How do you usually deal with feelings of dine fatigue?

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