New year

Ah, the new year—a chance to start fresh and plan for a successful and prosperous time ahead. If you’re a restaurateur looking to make this upcoming year your most profitable yet, take some time to get creative and consider what resolutions you can set that will help fellow restaurant-goers survive (and thrive) past 2023. Read on for our top recommendations of New Year’s Resolutions that restaurants should be considering.

Our Recommendation for the New Year

1. Upgrade your menu: This is an obvious one, but it’s worth repeating. People love variety and trying new things, so make sure to keep your menu fresh with seasonal dishes that will get people excited. Don’t be afraid to experiment a bit—it could pay off in the long run!

2. Get with the times: The restaurant industry is constantly evolving, so make sure your establishment is keeping up with the trends. Doing some research into the latest technologies and techniques could help give you an edge over your competition.

3. Get techy: Investing in the latest and greatest technology can give restaurants a competitive edge and help increase efficiency while better accommodating customer needs. Whether it’s online reservations, automated ordering systems, or virtual waitlists, modern-day technology can make daily operations more efficient and make customers feel like VIPs.

4. Focus on sustainability: Sustainability is becoming increasingly important for businesses of all shapes and sizes—and that includes restaurants! Consider making changes to your business practices such as switching to eco-friendly packaging materials or growing your own produce in an urban garden. Not only will these initiatives have a positive environmental impact, but they’ll also show customers that you care about sustainability just as much as they do.

5. Listen to customers: Customers are the lifeblood of any successful business, so it’s important to show them that their opinion matters. Utilize feedback forms or surveys to get customer insights, and make sure that you’re actively listening and responding to customer reviews—positive or negative! This will help show customers that they’re valued and appreciated at your restaurant.

6. Get social: It’s no secret that having a strong online presence is essential for any business—especially restaurants. Social media is a great way to connect with customers and build relationships. Use it to showcase your menu offerings, upcoming events, or special discounts—anything that will make customers excited about visiting your restaurant. Plus, don’t forget to leverage the power of influencer marketing! Working with local food bloggers can help you reach an even broader audience and get your restaurant noticed.

7. Prioritize safety: Safety should always be a top priority in any restaurant setting. Make sure your staff is well trained and that you’re following all relevant health and safety protocols, such as regularly cleaning surfaces, requiring face masks for both employees and customers, and providing hand sanitizer throughout the establishment.

8. Get creative with marketing: Of course, no resolution list would be complete without a nod to marketing. With the right strategy in place, you can turn even the most mundane dish into something that’s exciting and memorable. Consider partnering with other local businesses or investing in targeted advertising campaigns—anything that will get more eyes on your restaurant and help boost customer engagement.

9. Invest in staff: Last but not least, be sure you’re investing in your most valuable asset—your employees. Show them you care by offering competitive wages and benefits along with opportunities for growth and development. This will help create a positive work environment that will keep your staff motivated and loyal for years to come!

These are just a few resolutions that restaurants should be making for 2023. Whether it’s investing in tech, focusing on sustainability, listening to customer feedback, or getting more active on social media—we hope these ideas give restaurateurs the inspiration they need to have a successful and prosperous new year!  Happy 2023!

The new year is also a great time to get your restaurant on a platform like Dinesurf that helps you to reach more customers, generate more revenue, give you a listing on Tripadvisor and also offer you support.